5.08 Civil Division Annual Survey (detail)

This dataset includes the average of the response rates of "Agree" or "Strongly Agree" for each question on the Civil Division Annual Survey regarding satisfaction with customer service in the areas of: timeliness, courtesy, communication, caring, ease of use and resolution of the issue.

This page provides data for the Civil Division Annual Survey performance measure.

This data set includes the responses, categorized by question, for the Civil Division Annual Survey. Responses include, Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, disagree and strongly disagree.

The performance measure dashboard is available at 5.08 Civil Division Annual Survey.

Additional Information

Source: Department annual survey

Contact: Jenny Armstrong

Contact E-Mail: Jenny_Armstrong@tempe.gov

Data Source Type: Excel

Preparation Method: Surveys are tallied and the responses for each category averaged to determine the aggregate effectiveness rate.

Publish Frequency: Annually

Publish Method: Manual

Data Dictionary


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상태 active
url https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/5-08-civil-division-annual-survey-detail-b6dd8
버전 2024-02-09
라이선스 cc-by
accessLevel public
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harvest_source_title City of Tempe Data.json Harvest Source
identifier https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=4420a23a7fa7401d9bc97abe32cae313&sublayer=0
issued 2,019-12-12T18:13:47.000Z
landingPage https://data.tempe.gov/maps/tempegov::5-08-civil-division-annual-survey-detail
license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
metadata_type geospatial
modified 2,023-08-24T18:26:10.111Z
old-spatial {{extent:computeSpatialProperty}}
publisher City of Tempe
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source_datajson_identifier true
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theme {geospatial}
담당자 TempeData
담당자 연락처 data@tempe.gov
제공 기관 City of Tempe
최초 수집 일시 2024-02-20T23:12:26…
최근 수집 일시 2024-02-20T23:12:26…

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