
Original FGDC metadata used to create this reference. Be aware that some of the fields, including file paths, may be out of date. This file should only be used for understanding additional documentation that is not already managed by Data Store

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생성일시 2024-02-20T22:50:23.713663
아이디 be11c48e-2d6f-461c-a3a5-e8b99c262b70
key c7bf8f68-0831-4af6-9099-d07edc49c591
메타데이터 수정일시 2024-02-20T22:50:23.679794
데이터셋 아이디 33fbc8ce-0462-49f2-af79-15ff753f44b8
상태 active
url https://irma.nps.gov/DataStore/DownloadFile/537393?Reference=1016846