ECOSTRESS Swath Geolocation Instantaneous L1B Global 70 m V002

The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally between 52° N and 52° S latitudes. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found in figure 2 on the ECOSTRESS website( The ECOSTRESS Swath Geolocation Instantaneous Level 1B Global (ECO_L1B_GEO) Version 2 data product provides the geolocation information for the radiance values retrieved in the ECO_L1B_RAD ( Version 2 data product. The geolocation product gives geo-tagging to each of the radiance pixels. The geolocation processing corrects the ISS-reported ephemeris and attitude data by image matching with a global ortho-base derived from Landsat data, and then assigns latitude and longitude values to each of the Level 1 radiance pixels. When image matching is successful, the data are geolocated to better than 50 meter (m) accuracy. The ECO_L1B_GEO data product is provided as swath data. The ECO_L1B_GEO data product contains data layers for latitude and longitude values, solar and view geometry information, surface height, and the fraction of pixel on land versus water distributed in HDF5 format.

Known Issues: Geolocation accuracy: In cases where scenes were not successfully matched with the ortho-base, the geolocation error is significantly larger; the worst-case geolocation error for uncorrected data is 7 kilometers (km). Within the metadata of the ECO_L1B_GEO file, if the field "L1GEOMetadata/OrbitCorrectionPerformed" is "True", the data was corrected, and geolocation accuracy should be better than 50 m. If this field is "False", then the data was processed without correcting the geolocation and will have up to 7 km geolocation error. Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. Data acquisition: EECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods.


CKAN dataset id 31e74c85-7e5e-4e3d-9a93-117ba5d44ef3
상태 active
버전 2024-02-07
라이선스 notspecified
accessLevel public
bureauCode {026:00}
citation Simon Hook, Mike Smyth, Tom Logan, William Johnson. 2022-11-14. ECOSTRESS Swath Geolocation Instantaneous L1B Global 70 m v002. Archived by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S. Government, NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC. The DOI landing page provides citations in APA and Chicago styles..
creator Simon Hook, Mike Smyth, Tom Logan, William Johnson
harvest_object_id fcb86a17-2835-402c-96fe-a0409790433f
harvest_source_id 58f92550-7a01-4f00-b1b2-8dc953bd598f
harvest_source_title NASA Data.json
identifier C2076087338-LPCLOUD
issued 2,018-07-09
language {en-US}
metadata_type geospatial
modified 2,024-01-29
old-spatial -180.0 -54.0 180.0 54.0
programCode {026:001}
publisher LP DAAC
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash 5d063140d0920bef613aa6bce8d4357b7ba56143cec30eda7fae6b07823957ce
source_schema_version 1.1
temporal 2,018-07-09T00:00:00Z/2024-02-05T00:00:00Z
theme {ECOSTRESS,geospatial}
담당자 undefined
담당자 연락처
제공 기관 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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