Ground Water Classifications Polygon

Ground Water Classifications Polygon:

Ground Water Quality Classifications is a polygon feature-based layer compiled at 1:24,000 scale that includes water quality classification information for groundwaters for all areas of the State of Connecticut. Ground Waters means waters flowing through earth materials beneath the ground surface and the Ground Water Quality Classifications is a designation of the use of the ground waters. The Ground Water Quality Classifications is based primarily on the Adopted Water Quality Classifications Map sheets with information collected and compiled from 1986 to 1997 by major drainage basin. The maps were hand-drawn at 1:50,000-scale in ink on Mylar which had been underprinted with a USGS topographic map base. The digital layer includes ground water water quality classifications. It does not include water quality classifications for ground waters below surface waterbodies. Surface Water Quality Classifications are defined separately in a set of data layers comprised of line and polygon features. The Ground Water Quality Classifications and the Surface Water Quality Classifications are usually presented together as a depiction of water quality classifications in Connecticut. The Ground Water Quality Classes are GA, GAA, GAAs, GB and GC. Classes GAA and GA designate areas of existing or potential drinking water. All ground waters not otherwise classified are considered as Class GA. Class GAAs is for ground water that is tributary to a public water supply reservoir. Class GB is used where ground water is not suitable for drinking water. Class GC is used for assimilation of permitted discharges. Modified classes GA-Impaired, GAA-Impaired, GAA-Well-Impaired, GAA-Well and GA-NY are found in the data layer to categorize special cases of GA or GAA that may not be meeting the goal (impaired), surround public water supply wells (Well) or contribute to a public water supply watershed for another state (NY). There are three elements that make up the Water Quality Standards which is an important element in Connecticut's clean water program. The first of these is the Standards themselves. The Standards set an overall policy for management of water quality in accordance with the directive of Section 22a-426 of the Connecticut General Statutes. In simple terms the policies can be summarized by saying that the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection shall: Protect surface and ground waters from degradation, Segregate waters used for drinking from those that play a role in waste assimilation, Restore surface waters that have been used for waste assimilation to conditions suitable for fishing and swimming, Restore degraded ground water to protect existing and designated uses, Provide a framework for establishing priorities for pollution abatement and State funding for clean up, Adopt standards that promote the State's economy in harmony with the environment. The second element is the Criteria, the descriptive and numerical standards that describe the allowable parameters and goals for the various water quality classifications. The final element is the Classification Maps that show the Class assigned to each surface and groundwater resource throughout the State. These maps also show the goals for the water resources, and in that manner provide a blueprint and set of priorities for Connecticut's efforts to restore water quality. Although federal law requires adoption of Water Quality Standards for surface waters, Water Quality Standards for ground waters are not subject to federal review and approval. Connecticut's Standards recognize that surface and ground waters are interrelated and address the issue of competing use of ground waters for drinking and for waste water assimilation. These Standards specifically identify ground water quality goals, designated uses


CKAN dataset id 7a338e48-c1fd-46e5-a573-544e90f3f6ff
상태 active
버전 2024-02-09
라이선스 cc-zero
accessLevel public
harvest_object_id 87a712b0-8a78-4c1b-abf5-0f6c3d991d4e
harvest_source_id 36c82f29-4f54-495e-a878-2c07320bf10c
harvest_source_title Connecticut Data.json
issued 2,019-10-18
metadata_type geospatial
modified 2,021-06-10
old-spatial -73.7260,40.9797,-71.7814,42.0486
publisher Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash d5469580f3b40088c86ae8e8068ce738859c9ad9325567892bd9d1742be818c3
source_schema_version 1.1
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-73.7260, 40.9797], [-73.7260, 42.0486], [-71.7814, 42.0486], [-71.7814, 40.9797], [-73.7260, 40.9797]]]}
theme {geospatial}
담당자 deepgis
담당자 연락처
제공 기관 State of Connecticut
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