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파일명 Comma Separated Values File
파일 포맷 csv
설명 설명 없음
데이터셋 설명

Data provides consumer counts for services provided to aging citizens of Iowa funded through federal and state programs starting in 2009 and is updated annually. It includes self-reported demographic information for services provided by age group, gender, live alone status, rural status, poverty status, racial identity, and ethnicity (per U.S. Census definitions). Counts include only those individuals who provided a response on intake. Intakes are completed on service initiation and annually thereafter. Unduplicated counts are by service; an individual may have received more than one service.

url 파일 다운로드 (안 되면 원본 페이지에서 다운 받으세요)
원본 페이지
버전 2024-02-02
파일 크기52 KB
행 수 657
컬럼 수19
텍스트 인코딩cp949
컬럼 구분자 , 콤마 (COMMA)
위치 정보 Conumsers Living Alone Hawaiian Pacific Islander Consumers
좌표계 4326

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('Iowa_Aging_Services_Consumer_Counts_by_Fiscal_Year__Age_Group__and_Service.csv', on_bad_lines='skip', delimiter=',', encoding='cp949', encoding_errors='ignore')

컬럼 타입 샘플
Fiscal Year int64 2009
Age Group string Age 60-74
Service string Personal Care
Consumers int64 70
Male Consumers int64 13
Female Consumers int64 56
Consumers in Rural Areas float64 30.0
Conumsers Living Alone int64 53
Consumers in Poverty int64 45
Hispanic Consumers float64 0.0
Non-Hispanic Consumers int64 63
White, Not Hispanic Consumers float64 59.0
White, Hispanic Consumers float64 0.0
Native American Consumers float64 0.0
Asian Consumers float64 0.0
African American Consumers float64 3.0
Hawaiian Pacific Islander Consumers float64 0.0
Consumers - Other Race float64 0.0
Consumers - Two or More Races float64 1.0

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아이디 6d72ebaf-fdf6-4f41-b667-ad6deea555e1
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메타데이터 수정일시 2024-02-20T23:55:45.340938
데이터셋 아이디 377d820d-fb92-4aa5-a8e7-2fec49723580
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