Lower Density Growth Management Areas

A Lower Density Growth Management Area is an area designated in the Zoning Resolution where new developments must provide more off-street parking, larger yards and more open space than would otherwise be required in the applicable zoning districts In Staten Island and Bronx Community District 10.

All previously released versions of this data are available at BYTES of the BIG APPLE- Archive


CKAN dataset id 86ebea69-5de8-4419-9a08-dcfd9103167d
상태 active
url https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/lower-density-growth-management-areas
버전 2024-02-02
라이선스 notspecified
accessLevel public
catalog_@context https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.jsonld
catalog_@id https://data.cityofnewyork.us/data.json
catalog_conformsTo https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema
catalog_describedBy https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.json
harvest_object_id f8eb0330-d03b-432b-adcc-f1694c901121
harvest_source_id 1,696,593e-c691-4f61-a696-5dcb9e4c9b4c
harvest_source_title NYC JSON
identifier https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/ke4t-kbpi
issued 2,020-09-25
landingPage https://data.cityofnewyork.us/d/ke4t-kbpi
modified 2,024-01-30
publisher data.cityofnewyork.us
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash 312f4d0aa03def934a5e9beaffc1226917b30d88bb12219c8650aad86d5d99b0
source_schema_version 1.1
theme {"Housing & Development"}
담당자 NYC OpenData
담당자 연락처 no-reply@data.cityofnewyork.us
제공 기관 City of New York
최초 수집 일시 2024-02-20T23:26:39…
최근 수집 일시 2024-02-20T23:26:39…

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