Probability of nitrate contamination of recently recharged ground waters in the conterminous United States

This data set is a national map of predicted probability of nitrate contamination of shallow ground waters based on a logistic regression (LR) model. The LR model was used to predict the probability of nitrate contamination exceeding 4 mg/L in predominantly shallow, recently recharged ground waters of the United States.

The model contains variables representing (1) nitrogen (N) fertilizer loading, (2) percent cropland-pasture, (3) natural log of human population density, (4) percent well-drained soils, (5) depth to the seasonally high water table, and (6) presence or absence of unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers. Observed and average predicted probabilities associated with deciles of risk are well correlated (r2 = 0.875), indicating that the LR model fits the data well. The likelihood of nitrate contamination is greater in areas with high N loading and well-drained surficial soils over unconsolidated sand and gravels. The LR model correctly predicted the status of nitrate contamination in 75 percent of wells in a validation data set from the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program. Considering all wells used in both calibration and validation, observed median nitrate concentration increased from 0.24 to 8.30 mg/L as the mapped probability of nitrate exceeding 4 mg/L increased from less than or equal to 0.17 to greater than 0.83.


CKAN dataset id 21ebf2ac-9203-4a8f-836f-f244a6f27264
상태 active
버전 2024-02-14
라이선스 notspecified
accessLevel public
bureauCode {010:12}
harvest_object_id 49d5243a-9471-45e4-a891-90927ffe5d2b
harvest_source_id 52bfcc16-6e15-478f-809a-b1bc76f1aeda
harvest_source_title DOI EDI
identifier USGS:d1c19241-8e46-40ee-a0b1-1ab3fc0c7bf3
metadata_type geospatial
modified 20,201,117
old-spatial -129.839567,21.217696,-64.113097,51.784295
publisher U.S. Geological Survey
publisher_hierarchy White House > U.S. Department of the Interior > U.S. Geological Survey
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash 331d5942da78a425c4d1d9e5254730e4e9aef38072fd226ef6dc2d8471d53600
source_schema_version 1.1
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-129.839567, 21.217696], [-129.839567, 51.784295], [-64.113097, 51.784295], [-64.113097, 21.217696], [-129.839567, 21.217696]]]}
theme {geospatial}
담당자 Integrated Modeling &Prediction Division
담당자 연락처
제공 기관 Department of the Interior
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최근 수집 일시 2024-02-20T22:28:44…

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