Regional Workgroup Polygons, U.S. and Mexico, 2020, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This polygon layer represents the four U.S.-Mexico Border Program regional workgroup geographic area. These workgroups were created according to the geographic location of the states in relation to one another in order to be able to better plan and coordinate activities at the regional level to achieve the U.S.-Mexico Border Program goals.

The Arizona/Sonora Regional Workgroup plan and coordinate activities at the regional level, develop biennial action plans, and support the efforts of local Task Forces. Each Regional Workgroup has one state and one federal co-chair from environment agencies in each country, and work closely with the NADB to implement projects to fulfill the goals and objectives in Border 2020. Local Task Forces have been created to identify priority issues and help facilitate pilot projects by engaging with local, state, and tribal governments; academia; NGOs; and the public.

The California/Baja California Regional Workgroup plan and coordinate activities at the regional level, develop biennial action plans, and support the efforts of local Task Forces. Each Regional Workgroup has one state and one federal co-chair from environment agencies in each country, and work closely with the NADB to implement projects to fulfill the goals and objectives in Border 2020. Local Task Forces have been created to identify priority issues and help facilitate pilot projects by engaging with local, state, and tribal governments; academia; NGOs; and the public.

The Four-State Region extends from the Coahuila-Chihuahua border in Mexico (when that border reaches the Rio Grande, it is in the Big Bend area) eastward to the Gulf of Mexico. The region includes parts of three states and a total of at least 29 municipalities on the Mexican side, and 168 cities and towns on the U.S. side. Recognizing this, the workgroup divided itself into three geographically based Task Forces-Amistad, Falcon, and Gulf, each of which has established subject-specific committees related to its priority concerns.

The Texas-New Mexico-Chihuahua region stretches approximately 500 miles (800 km) along the international boundary from the Coronado National Forest to Big Bend National Park and includes the following major sister cities: Columbus-Palomas, Las Cruces-El Paso-Ciudad Juarez, and Presidio-Ojinaga. Federal, state and tribal partners from the U.S. and Mexico serve as the co-chairs of the TX/NM/CHIH Regional Workgroup (RWG). The co-chairs support local Task Force efforts and coordinate activities at the regional and local levels.

These data support the U.S.-Mexico Border Program Map, which highlights the projects funded through the U.S.-Mexico Border Program (2013-2020) in both Region 9 and Region 6 of the U.S. EPA, including U.S. Federally recognized Tribal communities and states of Texas, New Mexico, Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Coahuila, California, Baja California, Sonora, and Arizona within 62 miles (100 kilometers) of the U.S.-Mexico Border. The projects stem from the Border 2020 framework that has five goals to reduce air pollution, improve access to clean water, promote materials and waste management, improve emergency preparedness, and enhance environmental stewardship, and fundamental strategies that includes children's health and environmental education and outreach.

For more information about Border 2020 and/or current U.S.-Mexico Border program visit this website:


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제공 기관 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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