River Management Engineer Districts

The following link provides access to VT specific metadata created by the agencies that did the delineation. Disregard the Spatial Reference information in these individual files and only use the Spatial Reference of the data that was delivered via the Geospatial Data Gateway. These metadata files are provided only as information of the delineation process by each state and also include steps made after merging the datasets in to a seamless national layer.�


CKAN dataset id b997f0e6-81b5-4b8e-a6d0-e84610a6dd17
상태 active
url https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/river-management-engineer-districts-52f85
버전 2024-02-09
라이선스 cc-by-sa
accessLevel public
catalog_@context https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.jsonld
catalog_conformsTo https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema
catalog_describedBy https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.json
categories {Boundaries,Administrative}
harvest_object_id d6f87d42-1344-481c-8719-acbf11de6828
harvest_source_id 24b4ec67-cad4-4235-b8af-afaa3907ff2e
harvest_source_title Vermont Open Geodata Portal
identifier https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=2e4861f51405460bbb5ab086c2d1ec69&sublayer=168
issued 2,016-09-14T19:45:39.000Z
landingPage https://geodata.vermont.gov/maps/VTANR::river-management-engineer-districts
license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0
metadata_type geospatial
modified 2,016-07-01T00:00:00.000Z
old-spatial -73.4745,42.7183,-71.3828,45.0210
publisher VT DEC, Watershed Management Division
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash aa8a34a05dd81f7cbf8d908823a21dc7402a1bbdc2ee710e400e7c199936664f
source_schema_version 1.1
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-73.4745, 42.7183], [-73.4745, 45.0210], [-71.3828, 45.0210], [-71.3828, 42.7183], [-73.4745, 42.7183]]]}
theme {geospatial}
담당자 vtanrgis
담당자 연락처 Erik.Engstrom@vermont.gov
제공 기관 Vermont Center for Geographic Information
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