Shellfish Bed Managed Polygon

Shellfish Beds Managed Set:

The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection cooperated with the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture to publish the Connecticut Mananged Shellfish Bed data. More recent information may now be available from Department of Agriculture since the time this information was originally published in 2004. Connecticut Shellfish Bed Mapping - The Town_Merge data layer is one of four layers that were created in the mapping of all managed shellfish beds in Connecticut waters. These beds, as defined below, include state managed beds, municipally managed beds, natural beds and recreational beds. These four bed types were mapped as separate data layers. This project was undertaken to assist three agencies, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CTDEP) and the Connecticut Department of Agriculture Bureau of Aquaculture (DA/BA). While the over all goal of all three was the same, namely the protection of natural resources, each had different specific needs. The project was originally undertaken without NOAA involvement. In 2001Public Act PA01-115 An Act Concerning Recreational Fishing in Connecticut was passed. Information on this act can be found through the Connecticut State Library at This act required DA/DB and CTDEP to determine the "effects of commercial and recreational fishing" on eel grass beds. Harry Yamalis from the Office of Long Island Sound Programs (OLISP) initiated gathering information and mapping the beds on a part time basis in response to this Public Act. Later, NOAA requested assistance in building a national database of Marine Managed Areas (MMA) in accordance with federal Executive Order 13158 concerning Marine Protected Areas (MPA). NOAA and CTDEP agreed that the shellfish beds met the criteria for MMA's. Tom Ouellette from OLISP was the liaison between CTDEP and NOAA and became the project supervisor. Todd Coniff was hired as an intern through Coastal State Organization,which is overseeing the MMA inventory collection program for NOAA, to continue the work on a full time basis. Several people from the Environmental and Geographic Information Center at CTDEP provided technical and other guidance. As noted earlier each agency had its on agenda for mapping the shellfish beds. The follow paragraphs outline the wants and needs of NOAA, DA/BA and CTDEP. The following is a description of the process and function of the MMA inventory for NOAA. The following excerpt was taken from the MPA web site The Marine Managed Areas Inventory Database and Data Collection Process The inventory will contain a wide range of information on each site to help the U.S. develop a comprehensive picture of the nation's marine managed areas (MMAs). The data collected include a general description and site characteristics such as location, purpose, and type of site, along with detailed information on natural and cultural resources, legal authorities, site management, regulations, and restrictions (see MMA Inventory Database Description at The data collection process begins with agencies or authorities that manage marine and Great Lakes areas in U.S. waters. Each agency reviews sites in their programs to identify those that meet the MMA working criteria. Data collection is then conducted for each site by the managing agency with an electronic data entry form. The managing agencies also review and approve the data before submission to the NOAA/Department of the Interior Inventory team. The data are then reviewed and made public on MPA.GOV. A data update and revision process is being developed to ensure that the information in the inventory is kept current over time Purposes of MMA Inventory The national inventory provides a range of data on all types of MMAs in the U.S. This database can help federal, regional, state, a


CKAN dataset id 5c1f769a-8fc3-47c4-beaf-fd3e485690d2
상태 active
버전 2024-02-09
라이선스 cc-zero
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harvest_source_title Connecticut Data.json
issued 2,019-10-18
metadata_type geospatial
modified 2,019-10-18
old-spatial -73.6564,40.9663,-71.8277,41.4645
publisher Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
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담당자 deepgis
담당자 연락처
제공 기관 State of Connecticut
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