
The United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) has 15 miles of flood control levees in the Presidio area. A project was initiated in calendar year 2002 between the IBWC and ERDC-WES to perform a condition assessment of their levees using airborne geophysics and detailed geological mapping of the flood plain. The project includes electromagnetic-induction (EM) data, Light Detection and Ranging data (LIDAR), historical and current aerial photography, geologic and geomorphologic interpretations from historical photography, digital videography, and soils data. These data are part of an enterprise Geographical Information System (eGIS). The eGIS organizes and manipulates all pertinent data for the condition assessment of levees in addition to containing modeling and data visualization tools. Levee segments that were not captured in the IBWC and ERDC-WES project were digitized by GIT using engineering maps provided by IBWC and spatially adjusted with 2008 orthoimagery from 3001, Inc. or ESRI ArcGIS Online World Imagery. Some segments from the IBWC and ERDC-WES project were also field verified by GIT. The following layer iidentifies the levee centerline as digitized from 1996 aerial photography.


CKAN dataset id 1260a674-6ffd-42d8-8c1c-5eb05421cd6e
상태 active
버전 2024-02-02
라이선스 cc-zero
guid 65,529c5f98d64468ac1c2f1dd2d41a69
harvest_object_id 6bd780d6-1ca2-4cff-962e-efde348508c8
harvest_source_id 6fc3a887-8f49-408f-9997-8f88cbd2456d
harvest_source_title International Boundary Between United States and Mexico Approved in 2009 by Minute 315
metadata_source arcgis
metadata_type geospatial
old-spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-107.238842859, 25.8545482420001], [-107.238842859, 32.694490912], [-97.376753595, 32.694490912], [-97.376753595, 25.8545482420001], [-107.238842859, 25.8545482420001]]]}
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-107.238842859, 25.8545482420001], [-107.238842859, 32.694490912], [-97.376753595, 32.694490912], [-97.376753595, 25.8545482420001], [-107.238842859, 25.8545482420001]]]}
제공 기관 International Boundary & Water Commission
최초 수집 일시 2024-02-20T23:33:03…
최근 수집 일시 2024-02-20T23:33:03…

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