Wellbore Stress-State Presentation.pptx

This is a PowerPoint file containing the presentation slides. The slides cover background on in-situ stress and gathered data, stress polygons, methods for stress determination in vertical and deviated wells, and calculation approaches used.

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생성일시 2024-02-20T21:57:43.797933
아이디 8d12dbe5-2e45-4278-a52d-9e42c0e6c171
key 4966951b-91ce-46ff-88ab-cffbaa02ccab
메타데이터 수정일시 2024-02-20T21:57:43.707244
데이터셋 아이디 e66bf620-f237-41eb-9918-17d49cfb130c
상태 active
url https://gdr.openei.org/files/1467/OU-2-2404-Stress-State-Wellbore.pptx